Prodigieuse® Neroli Le Parfum

Content: 50 ml

The Prodigieuse® Neroli Le Parfum consists of a wonderful fragrance blend of citrus notes (bergamot and petit grain), exotic verbena, lavandin and orange blossom.


Content: 50 ml (€131.90* / 100 ml)

Available, delivery time: 2-3 days

Product information "Prodigieuse® Neroli Le Parfum"

The Prodigieuse® Neroli Le Parfum consists of a wonderful fragrance blend of citrus notes (bergamot and petit grain), exotic verbena, lavandin and orange blossom. The fragrance develops and blossoms over time.

Area of application: Body
Gender: For women
Ingredients: Neroli, bergamot
Product type: Spray


Laboratoire NUXE - France's market leader in the field of pharmacy cosmetics

At NUXE you will find the care range that is right for you: from moisturising creams to anti-ageing care - perfectly matched to your skin type and age.

All NUXE products contain high-quality, unique plant-based active ingredients. All NUXE care products guarantee an exceptional care experience due to the delicate and enticing fragrances.NUXE combines the power of nature with pure sensuality and a luxurious feeling - this is how many of our products have already achieved cult status.

In just under 30 years, NUXE has grown from a small Parisian research laboratory to a group with global influence and subsidiaries in 60 countries. Founded by Aliza Jabès, the company is a pioneering brand in cosmetics of natural origin. All care products are formulated in France, based on quality requirements for the pharmaceutical sector.


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Spray the perfume onto your neck and the inside of your wrists, preferably at some distance from your skin.


✓ Wonderful fragrance of bergamot, verbena and orange blossom
✓ Made and formulated in France

The Prodigieuse® Neroli Le Parfum consists of a wonderful fragrance blend of citrus notes (bergamot and petit grain), exotic verbena, lavandin and orange blossom.

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