Beauty secrets from Russia
Many centuries have passed since then, but the trend remains the same. Russian women participate in many beauty contests and are often deserved winners. Russian beauty is often not only the product of genes, but of intensive face, body and hair care.
How have Russian women managed to preserve their enchanting beauty?
Lifestyle is one reason for their ravishing beauty, Russian women walk a lot and that’s one thing that keeps them slim and fit. Another reason is their intensive attempts to be beautiful, whether or not they are naturally blessed with beauty. It’s in their blood! They are prepared to do anything to look good and draw attention to themselves. And they achieve it. They regularly visit spas, beauty salons, fashion shops, gyms and other aesthetic medical facilities to nurture their own beauty ideals.
Face care
Russian women have always been interested in facial care. Centuries ago they knew the secrets for achieving soft and even skin like in modern facial care adverts. Today’s women have an advantage over women in the past. There are now so many products for face, body and skin care.
In the past they used herbs and women knew how to eat a diet that enhances their beauty. Russian women use sour cream, milk, oil, egg yolk and fat to make their skin look healthy and attractive. Every young woman also knew that cucumber juice and parsley water brightens the skin and makes it radiant. Greasy, large pored skin would be treated with an infusion of knapweed. Every morning women would wash their face and neck with rosewater or an infusion of rosehip and soap. A camomile infusion was also popular.
Body care
Russian beauties also pay great attention to body care: They use special cosmetic procedures at least once a week. Even in the past this was very common in Russia. The Russian banya played an important part: skin would be cleaned thoroughly with scrapers and fragrant balms used for massages. This type of massage refreshes the skin and relaxing ointments are also used. They were made from herbs such as peppermint. Many women in the past also had their body hair removed. ‘Hair removal specialists’ worked in the banyas. They carried it out painlessly and achieved a very good effect.
Women have always worn their hair in thick, beautiful plaits in Russia. They look after their hair thoroughly and regularly: nettle and burdock root were used to strengthen hair and eliminate dandruff. Women would make hair dye from plants if they didn’t like their natural colour. Camomile and saffron dye hair blonde, onion skins dye it brown, barberries give hair a brick red colour and apple tree leaves colour hair raspberry red.
Special folk beauty cosmetics
When you think of Russia fairy tales, you think of the made-up Russian beauties like matrioshki.
What products did women in the past use for make-up?
Cherry or raspberry juice was used for lipstick. Beetroot juice was used on their cheeks. Instead of eyeliner and eye shadow they used black soot or brown ink. Chalk and flour were used as powder and foundation. Flour gave skin an elegant white complexion.
Nowadays there are many beauty salons shops, online shops where you can buy cosmetics with natural ingredients. It all helps women look flawlessly beautiful and enchanting.
As for Russian women’s taste in fashion, it must be as stunning as possible. The appearance of Russian women is a combination of clothes, accessories and inner attitude. Russian women like high heels, metallic look and tight clothes that emphasise their figure.
If you compare Russian women today with women in the past you’ll see that women use ever more beauty products from all over the world. So every woman can care for herself and enjoy the process.
Other cosmetic procedures such as plastic surgery are growing in popularity among young women too. It demonstrates the shift in values and ideologies. The desire to be trendy and stylish is part of the philosophy of modern Russian women. They want to impress with a flawless, elegant look all the time.