A gorgeous tan with sun protection
Sun protection and self protection
Even very dark, sun tolerant, already tanned people can be exposed to the sun for only 45 minutes without danger. For all other skin types, the skin’s own protection time is only 5 minutes up to a maximum of 30 minutes. Sun cream extends the time that you can stay in the sun without damaging your skin. But a light protection factor of 10 is not enough for sunbathing. Often people don’t use enough sun cream. As a rule of thumb: three desert spoonfuls of sun cream for an adult.
Tan with sun cream
If you want to tan, you can do it even with a high light protection factor. Some people shy away from suncream out of fear that they won’t tan. But there’s no need to. Sun cream with a high LPF, such as 50, is not the same as sun block. If you want to go brown, use sun cream. If you want to totally block UV rays, use sun block. The purpose of sun block is to protect people who are in the sun but don’t want to go brown.
Do you go brown with sun cream? Sun protection is not only healthier, but also makes your tan longer lasting. Your skin keeps its colour longer.
Mineral or chemical sun protection
There are 2 types of sun protection. The first functions by physically reflecting the sunlight. These formulations contain, for example, titanium oxide and zinc oxide. It’s the type of sun protection that makes you look as if you’re been smeared in white paint. On the other hand there are much more pleasant chemical UV filters that penetrate the skin and absorb the UV light. Its transformed, for example, into heat energy. It’s clearly proven that both prevent not only sun burn, but also vitamin D forming in the skin.
Vitamin D
Under our living conditions, about 90% of vitamin D required must be formed in the skin from UVB exposure and only about 10% comes from food. For an adult to get their daily amount of 2000-4000 international units of vitamin D from food, you’d have to eat pickled herring for breakfast with quarter of a glass of cod liver oil and 4-8kg of butter daily. You’d have to eat about 2kg of cep mushrooms every day. So in terms of protecting your skin better and for your body’s health, it’s better to have a few minutes of unfiltered sun to allow vitamin D to be produced. But note the self protection time of your skin and don’t exceed it.
After sun
Aftercare is important for a long-lasting tan. The purpose of after sun cream is to give your skin lots of moisturisation. If you don’t cream your skin after the sun, it’ll get an ashy tone and the tan will fade quickly.
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