Anti-aging thanks to ice cube therapy
Ice cubes to get rid of wrinkles and bags under your eyes
Women's willingness to preserve their youth drives them towards different anti-age techniques. But the best way to prevent wrinkles is through proper skin care. One's beauty should be taken care of constantly, with focus on easily obtainable natural ingredients. To prevent wrinkles one should apply ice with added herbs, sap or oil.
Effects from ice on skin
- Ice cubes interact beautifully with warm skin. Then they start melting and turn into liquid which is being absorbed by skin cells, saturating and moisturising them.
- The healing ingredients from ice cubes penetrate into the skin. They are rapidly absorbed and remain inside the cells, helping them retain the much needed water balance of the skin.
- Low temperature in combination with the right massage improves the blood flow, which results not only in better looks but in improved organ function.
- Ice significantly improves skin tonicity and maintains its rejuvenation potential. Paleness, dullness and dryness go away and epidermal density increases.
- Smaller defects and skin creases fade away, and new wrinkles don't appear all. This is why rubbing your skin with ice is good for any age.
- Skin becomes less oily, large pores contract, sebaceous glands begin to produce less subcutaneous fat. The problem of rashes and acne is easily solved.
- Melt water significantly softens the skin, cleans it of bacteria and makes the facial contour leaner.
- Skin cells gain in elasticity since ice intensifies chemical processes for faster rejuvenation.
Basic rules
To avoid side effects caution is necessary when rubbing one's forehead with ice. Following recommendations guarantees beneficial effect.
In order to perform the procedure one should procure an ice container, purified water, herb brew and other active ingredients.
- For each section of the ice container take one ingredient: a slice of fruit or vegetable, a berry or a small branch of a medicinal plant.
- Fill ice container with water. Do not use raw tap water. Use filtered, mineral or settled water instead. It's recommended to replace water with medicinal herb brew.
- Place ice container in the freezer for no less than 8–10 hours.
The right way to do the cosmetic ice massage
There are basic facial massage lines which should be used at all times.
- Forehead. Start the movement from the central point of the forehead towards the temple, then repeat it from the nose bridge to the hairline.
- Nose. Lightly move the cube from the nose bridge towards nose and its lateral parts.
- Cheeks. Making a massage movement from nostrils to the central point of the ear zone. Then from the corners of the lips towards ears again.
- Eyes. Moving from the upper corner to the tail of the eye, then from lower corner to the inner one
Face rubbing technique
Massage as gently and carefully as possible. Avoid pressure since the skin can easily be damaged by abrupt movements. The maximum duration of the procedure is 2 minutes. When tingling sensation gets stronger, it's a sign to end the procedure.
- Do not wipe the skin dry immediately after the procedure.
- Water and beneficial ingredients take time to soak into epidermis.
- 20 minutes after the procedure wipe the skin with tonic or nourishing cream.
- Repeat the procedure regularly to produce the needed effect.
- Use different ingredients if possible.
According to women who tried the procedure, the effect from ice on the skin is visible almost immediately. To avoid damaging the sensitive eye area skin, massage it with the utmost care and swiftness.