Beauty secrets from India
ndians have always had close ties to nature. The wealth of plants that grow around them are used in skin and haircare and for healing diseases. This knowledge of healing plants was passed down the generations and is now known as Ayurveda.
Ayurveda aims to create a balance of energy and harmony. Traditional ayurveda rituals like massages, yoga and meditations help achieve this. Indian herbs and spices are used to nourish the body and hair and to stimulate the nervous system.There are five dyes in Indian beauty: henna, antimony, sandalwood, turmeric, kumkuma.
In India kajal is designated as antimony. Kajal is the oldest eyeliner in human history. Indians believe that kajal is not only a beauty product, but also wonderfully antiseptic and defends against the evil eye.
Turmeric is the main ingredient in Indian aesthetic folk medicine. It cures blackheads, spots and eliminates wrinkles. It turns skin yellow, although it doesn’t show up on Indians’ skin tone.
Kumkuma is a carmine red powder which is turned into kumkuma by the addition of slaked lime. Kumkuma is used for painting bindi on the forehead. It is a dot that symbolises the energetic third eye. The red dot and a parting coloured with kumkuma used to mean that the woman was married. Now it’s just decorative.
Sandalwood paste is used for skincare.
Henna, known in India as mehendi or mehndi, is used as hair dye and for painting ritual decorations on the hands and feet. Henna art is one of the key parts of bridal adornment in India. The more complicated the pattern, the happier the family’s life will be.
Henna is also used for hair dye. Henna is very good for the health of hair and well tolerated. It is free from chemicals, which can damage hair. Colourless henna is used to heal hair. It strengthens hair, making it healthier and protecting it from external influences like UV rays.
Hair oils
Oil is applied to the hair and scalp before each wash. Many people are worried about using oil in their hair, thinking that it will make their hair greasy and lank. But Indian women know that’s not true. Hair cosmetic procedures with oils keep hair in a good condition. They also help to cleanse the hair by removing dust particles and dandruff. Oils can also combat scalp irritation and infections, as well as many types of hairloss and alopecia. Applying hair oil to the scalp is also very relaxing.
Bathing is very significant in Indian traditions It cleanses not only the body, but also the mind. Soaps aren’t used when bathing, but various natural oils for the face, body and hair. For Indians bathing means taking time for themselves and to relax. So a good bath should refresh your body and mind.
Rosewater has healing properties and positive effects on the body and soul. A delicate floral aroma cheers the heart and the healing powers of rose make skin elastic.
Almond oil
Almond oil is the best way of moisturising skin. It nourishes the skin without blocking the pores. This natural oil is made from pressed almonds, which is easily absorbed by the skin.
Indian beauty ritual:
Head massage with oil
You should have a head massage with warm oil three times a week.
Take a few tablespoons of coconut oil and warm it for a minute maximum in the microwave. Coconut oil is hard at 20 degrees. Next dip your fingers in the warm coconut oil and massage it into the hair roots for 10-15 minutes.
Cover your hair and scalp with a thin cloth. Now put a towel on your pillow and go to bed. Next morning wash your hair as usual. After only the first use your hair will look shinier and healthier. After a few weeks of regular use your hair will be softer and stronger. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, which can prevent hairloss.
Tip! You need only a thin layer of oil. Make sure that the oil is spread evenly on the scalp and through the hair. You can use olive oil instead of coconut oil.
Cleansing mask and face scrub.
Since turmeric is antiseptic, coriander combats spots and blackheads, sandalwood is refreshing and amla tones, Indians use these natural ingredients for face care.
1 tbsp turmeric
1 tbsp coriander
1 tbsp sandalwood powder
1 tbsp amla (Indian gooseberry)
5 tbsp powdered green lentils
Preparation Mix all the ingredients with cream cheese and lemon juice until smooth.
All the ingredients, except the cream cheese and lemon, can be bought in Indian shops.
Add a few drops of water to the mixture to make a wonderful scrub. Or add more water to it and you get a gentle paste which can be applied to the skin as a mask. Leave the mask to work for 10 minutes and rinse it off with water. The mask cleanses the skin wonderfully. Turmeric has an antiseptic effect, coriander combats blackheads and spots, sandalwood refreshes and amla tones and strengthens.
Vinegar to combat dandruff.
Indian rinse their hair with a little vinegar. Put 1 tbsp of natural vinegar in 1 lite of water and use this mixture to rinse your hair. Vinegar deacidifies hair and eliminates dandruff.