Beauty secrets from Japan
What’s their secret?
There are many reasons for the youthful beauty of Japanese women: a high living standard, good nutrition and a loving attitude towards themselves.
But there are other things too. A beauty expert from Japan lets us in on the fabled secret of Asian beauty.
Daily face massage
Japanese women firmly believe that a daily face massage is the key to eternally youthful and wrinkle-free skin. So Japanese women apply beauty and care products not only to their face, but also massage them carefully into their skin. Gentle circular movements help the active ingredients to penetrate the skin quicker. It also relaxes the muscles and stimulates blood circulation in the skin.
Skin cleansing and moisturisation
Thorough skin cleansing and intensive moisturisation are among the most important beauty rituals for Japanese women. No Japanese woman goes to bed with her make-up on. So a high quality cleansing lotion is the basis for Japanese skincare. The product is first warmed in the hands before being applied to the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. Then the cleansing lotion is spread over the whole face in circular movements. The cleansing procedure ends with a hydrating care milk.
Japanese women choose their face cream very carefully: Firstly they look for a product with the right composition, rather than believing the advertising slogans.
Sweat baths
The Japanese believe that a sweat bath is another step on the path to beautiful skin. You should have a sweat bath at least twice a week. Ideally it should be before going to bed to thoroughly relax you, relieve stress and cleanse your skin. Add sea salt, rose petals and herbal tea to the water to make the procedure even more cleansing.
‘No’ to sunbathing
In contrast to our beauty ideals, in Japan tanned skin isn’t considered attractive. You never see Japanese women on the beach in the blazing sun. Japanese women firmly believe that skin should be white. So they use sun protection all year round. It’s unquestioned because sunshine ages the skin, causes age spots, wrinkles and other signs of skin ageing.
Put the injections on hold
While we torture ourselves with painful fruit acid peels or injections, Japanese women prefer to strengthen the resources of their own body by natural means.
Most Japanese women have tried deep-acting cosmetics and are satisfied with them. That’s why it’s worth following the example of Japanese women, who look beautiful without injections, and avoiding wrinkle procedures