Fresh on hot days!
Summer is one of our favourites times of the year - light dresses, sandals, freckles and delicious sorbets. And relaxed BBQs with friends or fun days by the sea. All reasons to enjoy the summer.
Creams in the fridge
Keep your day and eye creams in the fridge. That will make them refreshing, cooling and help them reduce swellings. The swellings around your eyes in the morning will be grateful for the cool cream.
Refreshing shower gels and lotions
Peppermint in care products is cooling not only when you apply it but for a long time after. The essential oils also aid concentration, which can suffer on hot days.
Lukewarm showers
Even if it seems tempting to have a cold shower on a hot day, it’s better to have the water lukewarm. It’s gentler on the circulation and you won’t sweat so quickly.
Shiny skin
The summer temperatures often make your forehead, nose and chin shiny. So that you don’t have to powder it constantly, make sure you have blotting paper with you. The little sheets absorb excess skin grease and matt your complexion.
Drink lots
You sweat much more to keep yourself cool when it’s hot, so you need to drink more to keep your circulation stable. It’s best to drink water, coconut water and unsweetened lukewarm teas.
Occasional refreshment
Spray moisturising sprays on your skin throughout the day. This keeps your skin moisturised so that it doesn’t dry out.