Get slim and toned with PILATES

Pilates helps to relieve the pressure and stress of daily life, to become more aware of your body and to balance your body and mind.
The basic principles of pilates were established by Josef Hubertus Pilates (1880 – 1967). The purpose of many of the exercises was to improve physical fitness while also promoting mental relaxation. 


Why choose pilates?

A toned body is attractive, and a straight, healthy posture makes you look more confident.
Pilates is a very effective and gentle form of exercise. The exercises are primarily aimed at strengthening the supporting muscles and increasing mobility. A regular workout makes your muscles supple and your joints more flexible. It shapes your physique in the feminine problem areas of the stomach, legs and bottom and strengthens the back muscles. It keeps the spine flexible and healthy and improves the posture.
Pilates uses slow and calm movements which also alleviate stress and agitation. This is supported by conscious breathing and bringing focus onto your own body. 


Who is pilates suitable for?

Essentially this form of exercise can be done by anyone. Body and mind-conscious women can optimise their fitness in a time-efficient way. You don’t need any equipment apart form a mat. You use only your own body weight. The advantage is that your muscles become supple and long, rather than big and fat, as weight training makes them.
Since there is a very broad range of exercises, there are workouts to suit very different requirements. Focus on your own problem areas. The reward is a more toned and flexible body. 


The key principles

- breathing and concentration 
Conscious breathing and continual concentration bring your full attention to your body. You’ll feel your limits, strengths and weaknesses. You’ll automatically leave the stresses of your day behind you. Most of the exercises require you to tense your abdominal muscles. During the workout you don’t breathe in your stomach, but in the lateral part of your ribcage. 

- strengthen your power house
Your core, also called the power house, includes your stomach, bottom and back muscles. Most of the exercises require an activated power house. This exercises the muscles and gives you a straight posture that’s good for your back. This enables the rest of your body to move more freely. 

- Relaxation
Physical and mental relaxation are essential parts of pilates. Smooth and flowing movements prevent the muscles becoming stiff or sore. 


Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

Starting position: Lie on your back, raise your legs one after the other with your arms lying relaxed on the ground.
Breathe in.
Breath out:
navel towards your spine; roll your head, shoulders and shoulder blades up and lift your arms a little.
Breathe in: hold the position.
Breath out: Stretch your legs forwards and upwards (keeping your lower back on the mat)
Breathe in: Bend your legs.
With your upper body raise, stretch out and lower your legs 4-12 times. Then lower your upper body and lower your legs one after the other.