Superfood: Maca

Maca is usually available in Europe in powder form as a nutritional supplement, but in the Andes it has been used as a natural remedy for health and beauty for over 2000 years. 


Interesting facts about the maca plant

The maca plant (Lepidium meyenii) belongs to the cress family.  It has long been grown at high altitude in the Andes. The leaves of the maca plant grow to about 20 cm, but in very stormy areas it can be grown in flat mats. Maca plants form pear-shaped tubers that store lots of water. There are many different types of maca, so the tubers can be different colours. They come in shades of white, yellow, pink and red,

Maca plants grow at altitudes of between 4000 and 4500 m, where they are exposed to extreme climatic conditions. High winds, extreme temperature fluctuations and sun have made these plants very resilient.


Maca was also discovered to be a remedy for health and beauty in China

Since then, maca plants have been cultivated not only in the Andes, but also in China, where the superfood is used for its health and beauty benefits. In China maca plants grow at altitudes of 2800 to 3500 m.


How maca tubers are used in Latin America

In Latin America maca tubers are also eaten dried. They are baked, cooked or made into a porridge called mazamorra. As a food it has a very high nutritional value. That’s why the tubers are so healthy. In Latin America the leaves are eaten raw or cooked. They taste a lot like cress.


The health aspect as nutritional supplement

In Europe the dried maca tuber powder is available as nutritional supplements, as the many healthy ingredients are largely retained in this form.  It contains many essential amino acids, minerals such as iron and calcium, as well as lots of iodine, very healthy fatty acids like linoleic, palmitic or oleic acids, as well as sterols, alkaloids, saponins and tannins.

Maca powder is now prized as a superfood as it is thought to have a very good effect on sexual performance for both men and women during the menopause. Maca powder is thought to also improve the immune system and general physical and mental resilience. Various studies have demonstrated this with measurable data.