Workout for your whole body


Squats are a great exercise for your bottom and should be included in every workout. To do them, start in a standing position and tense your core. Put your hands on either your hips or behind your head. Then bend down as if you’re going to sit down, until your thighs are parallel with the floor. It’s important that your knees don’t protrude past your toes. Then stand up again with a straight back and repeat the exercise. Tip: If you have sensitive knees, make sure that you turn your knees inward slightly when you straighten up to protect your joints. 
The exercise should ideally be repeated 15 times. Then have a break before doing it again and then a third time. So, 45 squats in all.


HOW TO PERFORM THE PERFECT SQUAT? I honestly believe that squats are one of the most amazing exercises you can do. It’s a compound movement which targets varies of different muscle groups. Now I know squatting can be intimidating for some so I have provided you with my top tips on how to squat properly and comfortably. One thing I want you to remember is that not ONE squat position fits everyone. 1️⃣ Stance: place feel roughly shoulder width apart with your feet pointed out slightly. I personally feel uncomfortable when my feet are completely pointed straight. 2️⃣ Posture (spine neutrality): you must ensure your back remains straight at all time, avoid any curves and arching, you do not want to go into flexion! 3️⃣Keep your core engaged: make sure you keep your core tight and embraced whilst you conduct the movement. Your chest needs to be lifted as well. TIPS: - hard soled shoes are great for squatting. - When squatting down imagine you are sitting on an imaginary chair - If you are using a barbell start with 10 Practice reps just with the bar. - Try to achieve depth and make sure you drive your hips forward when you come back up whilst squeezing your glutes BUT if you are lifting a very heavy weight be careful when doing this as it could be difficult you must remember to keep your hips in position so don’t go crazy crazy with the squeezing! I hope this helps!

Ein Beitrag geteilt von KrissyCela (@krissycela) am



Few exercises are as easy to do and as good for your fitness as push-ups. The strength exercise tones the back, bottom, chest muscles, shoulders and biceps and many other muscles. It’s a key part of the fitness routine. It’s the perfect exercise for effective full body training.
To do push-ups properly, lie on your stomach, legs stretched out and hands parallel under your shoulders on the floor.  Raise yourself up on your hands, looking down at the floor, until your arms are straight. Then lower yourself until your chest nearly touches the floor. Important: Your body must be in a straight line and you should avoid letting your back droop down. If a normal press-up is too difficult for you, you can do it on your knees instead.
It’s ideal to do 30 repetitions in total, in groups of 10 with a little break in between. 


How To Do A Push-Up #pushup #alignment #HappyMonday

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Keith Gittens (@gittensweaty) am



Crunches are essential for a beautiful, toned stomach. To do them, lie on your back and bend your knees. Put your hands behind your head. Now use your stomach muscles to lift your upper back and shoulder blades from the floor and lower them again. Crunches are a great alternative to sit-ups and they don’t strain your back and spine.
We recommend 60 repetitions in 3 groups. 



Burpees are a power tool against fat. They combine knee bends, push-ups and jumps in one exercise, so they’re hard work. But after doing only a few sessions of them you’ll notice a significant improvement in your fitness and so you’ll find them easier. How to do them: Stand with your legs hip width apart, toes facing forwards. Do a low bend, putting your hands on the floor in front of your feet. Your hands should be about shoulder width apart, then jump in this press-up position and do a press-up. Jump your feet forwards again, so that you’re in a squat again. Now do a straight jump up, stretching your arms out above your head. If that’s too difficult for you, you can start by leaving out the press-up and instead just go in the press-up position. 


Exercise must always be fun and not over-strenuous. If possible exercise three times a week to stay fit and healthy.