Massage Oils
For an authentic experience, you will find oils for special massages here. Whether facial or body care, aromatherapy or a pampering massage - the high-quality oils from ASMI Ayuveda, Elemis or ELIXR are suitable for many applications and ensure relaxation and well-being.
To produce the oils, fruits, nuts and seeds are cold-pressed and gently processed. In this way, the oils retain their high concentration of valuable ingredients such as vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids, making them ideal for your skin.
Pamper your skin and revitalise your senses with high-quality oils from all over the world!
Aromatherapy Associates
Revive Body Oil Körperöl
Verzichte auf das Drücken der Schlummertaste: Das Revive Body Oil von Aromatherapy Associates ist der perfekte Muntermacher für den Wochentag. Die Formel enthält hochwertige, natürliche ätherische Öle, die die Haut weich machen und mit Nährstoffen versorgen. Angereichert mit erfrischender Wacholderbeere, energiespendender Grapefruit und anregendem Rosmarin, bietet sie eine belebende Mischung, die im Rahmen der täglichen Morgenroutine oder des abendlichen Rituals vor dem Ausgehen für zusätzlichen Schwung sorgt. Das Öl eignet sich perfekt als Spa-inspirierte Behandlung für sich allein, besonders in trockenem Klima, oder als Teil eines Schichtrituals. Diese Mischung energetisiert und macht munter – der ideale Weckruf am frühen Morgen, vergleichbar mit einem doppelten Espresso ohne Koffein. Sie spendet tiefenwirksam Feuchtigkeit und belebt sowohl Körper als auch Geist. Zitronig, harzig und holzig.
Beauty of Joseon
JelloSkin Massage Cream for Face and Body Körpercreme
Die Jelloskin Massage Cream für Face and Body von Beauty of Joseon X byAva basiert auf dem gemeinsamen Glauben an die Kraft der Hanbang-Medizin und den koreanischen Wellness-Ansatz, der das Gleichgewicht und die Harmonie zwischen Körper und Geist für ganzheitliche Schönheit in den Mittelpunkt stellt. Inspiriert vom Hanbang-Prinzip, das besagt, dass ein ausgewogener Geist und Körper der Schlüssel zum Wohlbefinden sind, wurde die JELLOSKIN Massagecreme entwickelt. Diese Creme dient nicht nur dazu, die Gesichtskonturen zu verfeinern, sondern auch dazu, körperliche und geistige Spannungen durch eine therapeutische Massage zu lindern und zu lösen. Für ein intensiveres Erlebnis lässt sich die Creme ideal mit einem Gua Sha, einem traditionellen Massagegerät, kombinieren, um die glättende und beruhigende Wirkung zu verstärken. Die sanfte Formel ist perfekt für Gesicht und Körper geeignet und enthält Inhaltsstoffe, die für ihre beruhigende Wirkung bekannt sind. Die Creme kann sowohl als Massage- als auch als Feuchtigkeitscreme verwendet werden, da sie sich sanft und ohne Reibung auftragen lässt. Entwickelt, um Hautreizungen zu reduzieren, ist sie vielseitig im gesamten Gesicht und am ganzen Körper einsetzbar. Die feste Creme gleitet mühelos über die Haut, ohne zu kleben. Sie enthält feuchtigkeitsspendende Inhaltsstoffe wie Centigerbohnenextrakt, die die Hautbarriere schützen.
Content: 200 ml (€11.98* / 100 ml)
Best Skin Body Oil Patchouli Rose Body oil
The Best Skin Body Oil Patchouli Rose from Ipsum is a warming and soothing body oil made from 19 pure and organic plants. The oil has a rich scent of patchouli and rose. The oil has been carefully formulated to moisturise the skin. The body oil is instantly absorbed and leaves skin dry so you can get dressed straight away. The skin-nourishing botanical blend of avocado, grapeseed, argan and jojoba oils, plus Australian-grown and harvested Davidson plum extract, which is rich in skin-strengthening antioxidants, and macadamia nut oil, which deeply nourishes the skin when massaged in, is perfect for day and night. The skin feels deeply moisturised, soft and silky smooth and looks well toned.
Body Oil Sandalwood & Myrrh Body oil
The Body Oil Sandalwood & Myrrh from ASMI consists of a base of sesame oil. This contains vitamin E which protects the skin cells from damage caused by environmental influences such as UV rays, pollution and toxins. Sesame oil contains fatty and linoleic acids, which make it a perfect moisturiser for the skin and very effective against scars and inflammation. The grounding notes of sandalwood, myrrh and cedarwood help to soothe and balance your emotions.
Body Oil Orange & Neroli Body oil
The Body Oil Orange & Neroli from ASMI consists of a base of coconut and almond oil and strengthens the skin barrier. The oil locks in moisture and makes your skin supple and nourished. The vitamin A contained in almond oil helps to even out skin tone and texture. Orange peel, grapefruit and neroli oil give you a light and refreshing feeling.
Body Oil Lotus & Geranium Body oil
The Lotus & Geranium body oil from ASMI is made from a base of coconut and almond oil and strengthens the skin barrier. The oil locks in moisture and makes your skin supple and nourished. The vitamin A contained in almond oil helps to even out skin tone and texture. The calming notes of lotus, geranium and cucumber oil help you to block out stress and promote your well-being.
Cellutox Body Oill Anti Cellulite Oil
The Cellutox Body Oil from Elemis is a cellulite and body cleansing oil. The detoxifying properties tighten your skin and make it velvety soft. Combined with a massage, the oil helps to prevent the build-up of toxins caused by stress, lack of exercise and poor diet. Juniper has a detoxifying effect and stimulates the lymphatic system. Sea buckthorn reduces the appearance of cellulite and provides a firmer appearance. The invigorating lemon flavour leaves the body feeling refreshed and lifts the mood.
De-Stress Massage Oil Stress-reducing massage oil
The De-Stress Massage Oil from Elemis nourishes your skin, harmonises your body, awakens your senses and calms your mind with this deeply relaxing synergy of essential oils. It relieves tension and harmonises the body. The oil consists of essential oils of lemon balm, marjoram, rosemary, lavender, camomile, geranium and rosewood.
-10 %
Good-Bye Cellulite Set 1 Body Set
The Good-Bye Cellulite Set will make your cellulite disappear in no time at all! Anti Cellulite Massage Oil: This nourishing, natural massage oil with five precious essential oils - peppermint, lemon, bergamot, sweet and bitter orange - stimulates microcirculation and thus improves the elasticity of the skin. Sweet almond and grape seed oil make the skin velvety soft and ensure noticeable results. Regular massages smooth the skin and visibly reduce cellulite. Cellu-Cup Original (legs+bums): Cellu-Cup is a small silicone massage suction cup. It reproduces at home the "kneading - rolling - massage", the only effective method recognised by professionals for the treatment of cellulite.5 to 10 minutes a day to remove your cellulite. Clinically proven results - Patented model.
€34.15* €37.95*
-20 %
Almond Oil 100% natural almond oil
The almond oil from Elixr is a pure natural product and a must-have for the gentle care of skin, hair and face. Only almond oil contains so many vitamins and nutrients, making your skin wonderfully supple and soft. Thanks to the mild ingredients and he naturalness of the oil, it is perfect for the whole family. Also for sensitive adult and baby skin. The almond oil has a high content of unsaturated fatty acids and a tremendous vitamin and nutrient mix with vitamins A, E, D and B vitamins, resulting in optimal care!
€7.96* €9.95*