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Cellu Cup
Cellu-cup - silicone massage suction cup
From a medical collaboration, Cellu-cup is a french brand that offers an essential accessory in the beauty and skincare world: a small cup inspired from the traditional Chinese medicine to remove cellulite.
This little massage tool made from silicone allows to recreate at home and at her own pace the famous "palpate roll" used by beauty therapist.
Approved by a clinical study, guided by many tips and designed with a girly touch, Cellu-cup helps women to improve the appearance of their skin and their silhouette. It also allows them to feel free to talk about their cellulite!
What is Cellu-cup ?
Cellu-cup is simply a little massage tool made from silicone.
It allows you to recreate at home and at your own pace, the famous «skin pinch and roll technique» from the Physiotherapist or the beauty therapist, the only efficient technique recognized by professionals to fight cellulite.