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Produkte von Magicstripes

From Japan to Europe, it's only one step...
Always on the Look-out for Innovative techniques, Natalie Franz discovered the small stripes for eyelids while on a trip to Japan. They're a revelation. "Out of curiosity, I tried them on myself and I was absolutely thrilled by the effect of the product: with just a few hand movements, my appearance became much fresher and was rejuvenated by several years," she recalls. Convinced by their spectacular anti-fatigue and rejuvenating effects, Natalie adopted the stripes in her make-up kit and uses them on a daily basis for her clients during photo shoots and fashion shows. And they're a huge success. "The feedback has been so positive that I've decided to commercialize the product on the German market," she explains.
Eyelid Lifting
Eyelid lifting stripes
MagicStripes with 64 strips (32 pairs) - 1 monthAvailable in three sizes (S,M,L) The instant eyelid lift without surgery for droopy eyelids. The original! The skin-friendly eyelid correction silicone patches help to achieve a fresh, radiant look and a younger overall appearance within seconds. The little secret of many stars, which was introduced in Europe by make-up artist Natalie Franz, is suitable for both women and men of all ages.
Eyelid lifting trial pack
Eyelid lifting stripes
MAGICSTRIPES trial pack includes: 32 Stripes SMALL (S) + 32 Strips MEDIUM (M) + Stripes 32 LARGE (L) Ideal if you do not already know the right size for your eyes. The immediate eyelid lifting without surgery for lousers. The original! The skin-friendly eyelid correction silicone patches help to create a fresh, radiant look and a more recent overall appearance within seconds. The little secret of many stars presented in Europe by makeup artist Natalie Franz is suitable for both women and men of all ages. MAGICSTRIPES - The Original By Natalie Franz