Mrs. Do-it-all Multivitamin Komplex

Content: 60 Piece

The Mrs Do-It-All Multivitamin Complex Woman from Ogaenics are miracle capsules made from real, nutritious fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and herbs in 100% organic quality, not genetically modified and formulated in a once-daily dose especially for the needs of women. This is because vitamins, minerals and nutrients work best in their natural, bioactive form - the way nature produces them and the way our bodies need them. Unfortunately, sometimes our eating habits do not provide us with everything we need. Or our nutrient requirements are increased by sport, stress or smoking. Only 25% of all women aged 19-50 fulfil the recommended intake for iron and only 14% for folate. The daily intake of vitamin C also remains below the reference value for a third of all women and only around 50% of women reach the recommended intake for vitamin E. Mrs Do-It-All closes these and many other gaps - for more energy, a better hormone balance and beautiful skin, hair and nails.


Content: 60 Piece

Available, delivery time: 2-3 days

Product information "Mrs. Do-it-all Multivitamin Komplex "

The Mrs Do-It-All Multivitamin Complex Woman from Ogaenics are miracle capsules made from real, nutritious fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and herbs in 100% organic quality, not genetically modified and specially formulated for the needs of women in a single daily dose. This is because vitamins, minerals and nutrients work best in their natural, bioactive form - just as nature produces them and our bodies need them. Unfortunately, sometimes our eating habits do not provide us with everything we need. Or our nutrient requirements are increased by sport, stress or smoking. Only 25% of all women aged 19-50 fulfil the recommended intake for iron and only 14% for folate. The daily intake of vitamin C also remains below the reference value for a third of all women and only around 50% of women reach the recommended intake for vitamin E. Mrs Do-It-All – closes these and many other gaps for more energy, better hormone balance and beautiful skin, hair and nails.

This multivitamin product offers the perfect support for your demanding lifestyle with the 16 most important plant-based vitamins and minerals including iron – 13 of which provide 100% or more of the daily requirement.

 Mrs Do-It-All is perfect for all women of childbearing age, for breastfeeding women and smokers as well as women who want to close nutritional gaps or whose health simply needs a „boost“, e.g. in case of stress.

One of the many positive effects is the prevention of ageing. In addition, 14 mg of iron makes a valuable contribution to meeting your increased needs during menstruation or when you are breastfeeding. Vitamins B2 and B3, vitamin C, biotin and the trace element zinc are included for beautiful skin. Biotin and zinc, together with selenium, also ensure healthy hair.

Mrs Do-It-All contains targeted amounts of vitamin B6 for hormonal balance, folate for haematopoiesis, vitamin E to protect your cells from oxidative stress and chromium for normal metabolism. In addition to vitamin B12 in the form of methylcobalamin, hydroxylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin, the formula also contains vegan vitamin D from organic mushrooms to support the immune system and bone health.

With just two capsules a day you can be the best version of yourself:

- look better

- feel more energised

- feel more awake

Area of application: Body, Food supplements
Effects: Care, Collagen production, Moisturizing
Gender: For women
Helps against: Collagen formation, Dry skin, Fine lines, Improve skin texture, Irritated/ damaged skin, Wrinkles
Product type: Nutritional supplements


Organic food supplements from Ogaenics

Are you looking for the right nutritional supplements?
At Ogaenics you will find the optimal vitamins, minerals, trace elements or probiotics for your needs and situation.

Ogaenics' nutritional supplements help people put their health first - with exceptional intensity, value and effectiveness. In our bodies, trillions of cells work continuously, constantly renewing themselves and keeping us healthy, strong and beautiful. Ogaenics vitamins help provide our bodies with nutrients - certified organic and so pure, highly concentrated and effective.

The products are made only from the best organic plants, organic algae, organic mushrooms. The capsules are absolutely clean and bursting with high performance nutrients from nature, developed on a scientific basis. Ogaenics uses only plant raw materials from controlled organic cultivation.

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9 February 2023 10:00

Hilft tatsächlich!

Take two capsules daily in the morning with plenty of water with a meal.

Mrs. Do It All blends well with all other products, especially Calm-A-Lama plant-based Magnesium, Oilalala Skin Omega Complex or Love Your Gut Daily Biotic Complex. When combining Mrs. Do-It-All with products containing a vitamin B complex (e.g., B-Happy Vitamin B Complex or Adapto Genie Balancing Complex), the intake should be staggered by at least 2 hours so that the B vitamin intake is spread throughout the day for better absorption.

Organic spinach extract, organic shiitake extract, organic mushroom powder, organic guava leaf extract, organic lemon extract, organic curry leaf extract, organic king basil extract, organic guava extract, organic amla extract.

✓ 100% organic quality
✓ Multivitamin for women with 16 vitamins and minerals from organic plants
✓ Contributes to the normal function of the immune system
✓ Contains vitamin B12 and iron for increased requirements during menstruation or when breastfeeding
✓ Ideal for women of fertile age with an active lifestyle

The Mrs Do-It-All Multivitamin Complex Woman from Ogaenics are miracle capsules made from real, nutritious fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and herbs in 100% organic quality, not genetically modified and formulated in a once-daily dose especially for the needs of women. This is because vitamins, minerals and nutrients work best in their natural, bioactive form - the way nature produces them and the way our bodies need them. Unfortunately, sometimes our eating habits do not provide us with everything we need. Or our nutrient requirements are increased by sport, stress or smoking. Only 25% of all women aged 19-50 fulfil the recommended intake for iron and only 14% for folate. The daily intake of vitamin C also remains below the reference value for a third of all women and only around 50% of women reach the recommended intake for vitamin E. Mrs Do-It-All closes these and many other gaps - for more energy, a better hormone balance and beautiful skin, hair and nails.

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