Slim Design 45+ Anti-Sagging Cream

Content: 200 ml

The Slim Designe 45+ Anti-Sagging Cream from Elancyl is especially suitable for skin aged 45+. The innovative 3-in-1 gel combats stubborn cellulite by breaking down the stiffness of the „orange peel skin“, removing accumulated fat and draining it from the body.


Content: 200 ml (€19.48* / 100 ml)

Available, delivery time: 2-3 days

Product information "Slim Design 45+ Anti-Sagging Cream"

The Slim Designe 45+ Anti-Sagging Cream from Elancyl is especially suitable for skin aged 45+. The innovative 3-in-1 gel combats stubborn cellulite by breaking down the stiffness of „orange peel“ skin, removing accumulated fat and draining it from the body. Enriched with caffeine, which facilitates the elimination of excess fat from the body, and apple extract, which redensifies the skin and gives it more firmness, this cream gives the silhouette a new look after just 14 days and ensures an elegant appearance.

Area of application: Body
Feature: Lifting effect, Moisturizes the skin, Moisturizing, improves skin elasticity
Helps with/against : against cellulite, against stretch marks


ELANCYL is a body care brand based on the latest scientific innovations with more than 50 years of experience. 

ELANCYL have a wide range of treatment products for cellulite, weight loss and body ageing. The brand's aim is to help women of all ages to like themselves and feel good about their bodies. ELANCYL is designed for happy, confident women who are proud of their (un)perfect body. ELANCYL is a brand of anti-cellulite and slimming dermocosmetics that offers an effective protocol in a combination of cosmetics, supplements and massage techniques based on medical science. ELANCYL has demonstrated constant innovation using natural ingredients and extensive scientific research to make a difference.

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Apply the cream to the thighs, buttocks, hips and arms/shoulders and massage in thoroughly. Do not apply to irritated skin. Do not use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.


Works against cellulite, loss of firmness and orange peel skin
With caffeine
Age 45+
Defines the silhouette
Provides essential moisture

The Slim Designe 45+ Anti-Sagging Cream from Elancyl is especially suitable for skin aged 45+. The innovative 3-in-1 gel combats stubborn cellulite by breaking down the stiffness of the „orange peel skin“, removing accumulated fat and draining it from the body.

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