Your spring ally: SPF products for all-day protection!

    The sun is getting stronger – time to protect your skin! Explore our selection of SPF essentials for all-day care and get your perfect sunscreen for a healthy glow.


    Ogaenics – Organic supplements for your well-being

    Balance your health with pure organic supplements from Ogaenics for maximum impact!


    Perfect lashes for a stunning look

    Get volume, length, and definition for your lashes. Discover our selection of mascaras for a stunning eye look!


    Your spring ally: SPF products for all-day protection!


    Ogaenics – Organic supplements for your well-being


    Perfect lashes for a stunning look



Nothing like a good body scrub!

Exfoliate to remove dead skin cells and prep your skin for a radiant spring glow!

Shop now


Your Glow-Boost for flawless skin

Mario Badescu’s Glycolic Skin Renewal Complex hydrates, brightens, and improves skin texture for a radiant look.



Dry ends? Not anymore!

Say goodbye to split ends! Nourish and protect your hair for healthy, shiny locks.



Keep your hair color vibrant

Struggling with dry skin after winter? Discover deeply nourishing skincare products to restore and soften your skin!


Shop the look...

With the right products, it's not hard to look like our models. Click on one of our suggested looks to find the corresponding products. She's got the look is not just a Roxette thing.

Urban Minimalism
Ballroom Extravaganza
Classic Blush


Cicapair Tiger Grass by Dr. Jart+

Achieve calm, balanced skin with Dr. Jart+. This soothing formula helps reduce redness and irritation for a flawless complexion. Shop now for calmer skin!



Deep cleanse for your scalp

Experience the ultimate cleanse with Ducray's KELUAL DS Shampoo! It combats stubborn dandruff, soothes the scalp, and provides long-lasting freshness.

Discover now

#feelgoodbebeautiful ✨


lookbeautifulofficial Überrasche deine Liebsten mit einem Becher, der mehr als nur ein Getränk hält! ❤️ Dieser keramische Herzbecher ist das perfekte Geschenk, um deine Zuneigung zu zeigen. Die versteckte „Love You“-Botschaft erscheint erst, wenn der Becher leer ist – ein süßes Geheimnis, das jeden Schluck besonders macht. Ideal für Valentinstag, Muttertag, Jahrestage oder einfach, um einem besonderen Menschen zu zeigen, wie sehr du ihn schätzt. 💕 ☕ Fassungsvermögen: 450 ml ✨ Mikrowellengeeignet 🧼 Handwäsche empfohlen Schick deinen Liebsten Liebe in Form von einem Becher! 🌹 #LoveYouMug #Geschenkidee #Herzbecher #FürMeineLieben #Valentinstag #EtwasBesonderes #LoveInEverySip

2 hours ago View on Instagram


lookbeautifulofficial Manta Haarbürste: Deine Geheimwaffe für glänzendes, gesundes Haar ✨ Die Manta Haarbürste ist nicht nur irgendeine Bürste – sie ist ein echtes Multitalent! Dank der bahnbrechenden Flexguard Technologie bewegen sich die Borsten in alle Richtungen und passen sich perfekt deinem Haar an. So wird Haarbruch verhindert und dein Haar bekommt den Glanz, den es verdient. 💫 💇‍♀️ Sanft zu jedem Haartyp Egal ob feines, dickes, lockiges oder brüchiges Haar – die Manta Bürste ist für alle gemacht! Sie entwirrt sanft, ohne zu ziepen, und sorgt auch bei Haarverlängerungen für eine pflegende Anwendung. 🔥 Cooles Extra Mit einer antistatischen Wirkung und Hitzebeständigkeit bis 80 Grad ist sie auch der perfekte Begleiter für dein Styling. Keine fliegenden Härchen mehr, egal ob beim Föhnen oder Glätten! Für Haare, die nicht nur gesund aussehen, sondern sich auch so anfühlen – Manta macht’s möglich. ✨ #MantaMagic #GlänzendesHaar #HaarpflegeRevolution #SanftEntwirren #BeautyHacks

6 hours ago View on Instagram


lookbeautifulofficial Die Beauty Fuel Skin Radiance Kapseln von Ogaenics sind Kapseln mit natürlichen Power-Wirkstoffen aus Bio-Pflanzen, die vor vorzeitiger Hautalterung durch freie Radikale schützen, die Collagenbildung unterstützen, den Teint ebenmäßiger und strahlender machen und die Hautqualität verbessern. 😊 #BeautyFuel #Ogaenics #Hautpflege #StrahlendeHaut #AntiAging #NatürlicheSchönheit #BioHautpflege #CollagenBooster #Hautverjüngung #GlowUp #FrischeTeint

10 hours ago View on Instagram

Meet Look Beautiful, Your Skin's Best Friend!

Your online shop for exclusive beauty products from all over the world! It has never been easier to be beautiful. Discover a wide range of high-quality cosmetics at Look Beautiful and pamper your body with our natural and exclusive brand products. Our cosmetic products provide a fresh appearance and holistic well-being. This way, you can start each morning healthy, relaxed, and beautiful.

Buy cosmetics for clear and flawless skin online

Clear skin is a sign of health. To maintain its youthful flawlessness, skin needs sufficient moisture and certain nutrients. With a high-quality face cream and rich body lotions, you can provide your skin with enough nutrients and moisture. On Look Beautiful, you will find natural products for daily facial and body care.

Pamper your hair with high-quality beauty products

Whether voluminous curls or a colored short hairstyle - you should only use high-quality care products on your hair.
On Look Beautiful, you will find selected products that make hair styling effortless and pain-free. Give your hair back its perfect shine with our exclusive luxury products and strengthen it right down to the roots.
Naturally beautiful: utilizing the power of natural cosmetics

Exclusive beauty products from all over the world - your online shop for luxury cosmetics

In the beauty sector, the focus on natural care products is essential. With natural cosmetics, you promote holistic body care. Beauty and health are closely linked – natural beauty care maintains your body both inside and out.

The manufacturers of the natural cosmetics we offer consciously avoid chemical additives and animal testing. Instead, you will find highly effective products from nature and organic beauty items with us, keeping your body and soul healthy and beautiful.

Beauty Products from Look Beautiful: Stay Healthy, Beautiful, and Fit

Beauty consists of many facets that interact intensively with each other. Therefore, at LOOK Beautiful, you will find numerous products that can strengthen your beauty and health beyond external care. These include, for example, foot pads with detoxifying effects that can prevent fatigue and stress, or soothing dietary supplements that supply your body with essential nutrients. Discover also our luxurious beauty sets, which can be a joy to your family and friends.

Stay Up to Date with Our Beauty News

Already discovered? On LOOK Beautiful, we share our exclusive expert knowledge with you in our Beauty News. Let us inform you about the latest trends in beauty, wellness, anti-aging, and lifestyle! We provide you with our insider tips and great beauty hacks. You will be thrilled!